ABA service providers can now manage authorizations and billings with ease. Here's how!

This article will talk you through how AlohaABA’s practice management software and billing services can help make this process easier and more efficient so you can focus on what is most important to you while still turning a profit to keep growing your business.

We will discuss how AlohaABA’s billing feature works:

  • Authorizations
  • Session note sign off


AlohaABA helps you track your authorizations to ensure there are no gaps in service and there is continuity of care for your clients. Keep track of your authorizations in a clean and simple table format. Search by a variety of parameters, and generate reports with more than 13 dimensions for each client (e.g., service name, billing code, scheduled session, completed sessions, canceled sessions etc.). 

For multi-site companies, authorization reports can be generated by the office location so local staff can easily stay on top of which authorizations are their responsibility.

Approval of Services Rendered:

After a session is complete, it is pushed into the Billing Manager area where unbilled sessions are visible in a table. Simple, intuitive features like using a green or orange checkmark beside a claim indicates whether it is unpaid because it is pending or unpaid because it has not yet been sent.

We aim to reduce the response effort and total number of steps in each workflow. It takes literally two clicks to submit a claim. Once you are in the Billing Manager, you simply select the claims you would like to send and click ‘process billing.’ 

Check out our full blog : Managing insurance claims Efficiently with Smart ABA Practice Management software, to know more about the advantages our ABA practice management software can bring to your practice.


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